Print default upgrade configuration, that can be used for 'kubeadm upgrade'


This command prints objects such as the default upgrade configuration that is used for 'kubeadm upgrade'.

Note that sensitive values like the Bootstrap Token fields are replaced with placeholder values like "abcdef.0123456789abcdef" in order to pass validation but not perform the real computation for creating a token.

kubeadm config print upgrade-defaults [flags]


-h, --help

help for upgrade-defaults

Options inherited from parent commands

--kubeconfig string     Default: "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"

The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. If the flag is not set, a set of standard locations can be searched for an existing kubeconfig file.

--rootfs string

The path to the 'real' host root filesystem. This will cause kubeadm to chroot into the provided path.

Last modified August 17, 2024 at 3:44 PM PST: update kubeadm reference for v1.31 (88f0080504)